Further Relevant Research Studies
Share ‘Fuchs, Koch - 2014 - Embodied affectivity on moving and being moved
Koch et al. - 2016 - The embodied self in Parkinson's Disease Feasibility of a single tango intervention for assessing changes in psychological outcomes and Aesthetic Experience
Batson et al. - 2014 - Effects of improvisational dance on balance in Parkinson's disease A two-phase fMRI case study
Batson, Hugenschmidt, Soriano - 2016 - Verbal auditory cueing of improvisational dance A proposed method for training agency in Parkinson’s…
Karpati et al. - 2015 - Dance and the brain: A Review…
Marchant - 2016 - Dancing with disease A dancer's reflections on moving with people with Parkinson's and memory loss…
de Dreu, Kwakkel, van Wegen - 2015 - Partnered dancing to improve mobility for people with Parkinson's Disease
Bek et al. - 2020 - Dance and Parkinson's A review and exploration of the role of cognitive representations of action…
Westheimer et al. - 2015 - Dance for PD a preliminary investigation of effects on motor function and quality of life among persons with Parkinson’s Disease…
Shanahan et al. - 2015 - Dance for People With Parkinson Disease What Is the Evidence Telling Us
Rocha et al. - 2017 - Dance is more than therapy: Qualitative analysis on therapeutic dancing classes for Parkinson's
McNeely, Duncan, Earhart - 2015 - A comparison of dance interventions in people with Parkinson disease and older adults…
Hulbert et al. - 2017 - Dance for Parkinson's—The effects on whole body co-ordination during turning around
Marchant, Sylvester, Earhart - 2010 - Effects of a short duration, high dose contact improvisation dance workshop on Parkinson Disease
Gibson, Robichaud - 2017 - Evaluating Dancing With Parkinson's Reflections from the perspective of a community organization